
Identifying Signs of a Mouse Infestation in Your Home: When to Call a Pest Control Company

In the winter, pests invade homes to find shelter and escape the cold and frigid weather. In many homes, mice are common invaders. Although DIY methods like mouse traps can eliminate a mouse or two, a full-blow mouse infestation requires professional pest control services to keep your house clean and safe from these unwanted visitors. 

The first step towards effective pest management is to identify the kind of pests you are dealing with. This way, you can get the right solution to it and know when you need greenpestservices.net services. Find signs of mouse activity in the pantry and kitchen or anywhere you store and prepare food. Mice are usually drawn to these areas. The presence of mice in your house can pose a severe health risk to everyone living in it. Mice are carriers of harmful diseases and can contaminate food and surfaces with their urine and droppings. They have been associated with diseases like Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, and Hantavirus. Below are signs that your home is heavily infested with mice and that you should contact a pest control company to help you eliminate them. 

Live Mice

If you see at least one mouse in your house, this could mean an infestation is ongoing. Usually, the presence of at least one mouse can mean the presence of more. You can also know if there is an active infestation through your pets, especially if you find them playing with a mouse. 

Mouse Droppings

Mice defecate many times in one day. A family of mice living in your house can spread thousands of filthy and disease-carrying droppings throughout your home in just one day. Often, these droppings are the initial indication of a mouse infestation. Finding them in your house should be enough reason to contact a pest control company for help with elimination and prevention. 

Mouse droppings look like rice grains and are pointed. They can be light grey or black. They can be found in kitchens, garages, pantries, cabinets, under the sink, and along walls. When cleaning mouse excrement, take caution as you can sweep urine and feces particles into the air. When you breathe in such particles, you can suffer from respiratory illnesses due to the pathogens in those excrements. 

Scratching or Scurrying Noise

As mice move into your home, they build their nests in tight and cozy areas within ceilings and walls. If you have an active mouse infestation in your house, you may hear these rodents scratching, scurrying, or even squeaking from such areas. Having mice reproducing in walls can cause issues as they can cause damage to drywall and electrical cables. 

Mice will chew through whatever they can come across while nesting. This can result in food contamination if these rodents chew through food containers and packages. Also, mice chew through your appliances’ electrical cable, leaving you with repairs to deal with. Repairing mouse damage can be costly, so contact a mouse exterminator immediately once you notice the presence of these rodents. 

Tampered Food Items

Mice tend to spend a long time in areas where food sources are present. Food items in the pantry or kitchen cabinets will attract them. Identify the signs of food damage to avoid consuming contaminated food.

Mice can chew holes through cardboard, plastic, and food packaging. Get rid of food packages or containers that have these holes. Food items that mice have tampered with may be contaminated with diseases they carry.

Mice can cause severe physical property damage and pose health risks to you and your loved ones. If you have dealt with a mouse issue on your own and are still noticing signs of infestation, you may have a severe infestation to handle. Noticing any of the signs above requires you to act quickly and contact pest control technicians to get an effective solution to the issue. 

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